Toolkit for Adagio
A collection of utilities essential for Adagio users who wish to maintain their data in an orderly fashion.
Mobile Orders for Adagio
Mobile Orders for Adagio pairs with ePortal to allow salespeople to collect and send orders from the field using their ipads or iphones.
ePortal for Adagio
Receive orders from external sources like EDI, eCommerce, an import folder or mobile devices. Orders are reviewed for accuracy and then transferred to Order Entry.
National Accounts for Adagio
Designed for companies that sell to chain stores, branch offices or subsidiaries, where the head office pays the bill. A single payment can be easily applied to outstanding invoices.
Rentals for Adagio
Designed for companies that rent, sell or service equipment. Rentals is ideally suited for the construction industry, where recurring billing and inventory management can be a challenge.
ePack for Adagio
Provides bar code scanning for orders that are picked, packed and shipped. Shipments are expedited with greater accuracy, thus reducing credits and returns.
POS for Adagio
A retail point of sale solution with tight integration to Adagio Receivables, Inventory, Invoices, Sales Analysis, JobCost, Ledger or standalone.
Exporter for Adagio
A utility for exporting any Adagio data to an external database or file, local or remote. Supported databases include MSSQL, MySQL and MS Access.
Adagio Services
Dakota Software designs and develops robust accounting solutions. We provide unparalleled expertise in software application design, product development and software maintenance.
Over the past 25 years, we have delivered numerous commercial products and customized solutions.
In addition to software development, Dakota Software provides a host of services including data conversion, data repairs, training and support.
Let us know how we can help.

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Tell us what you are looking for and we can help you find it, fix it, build it, modify it… it’s what we do.